Monday, November 19, 2007

Fun Gun

Fun Gun, a short film I made using the Fisher Price Pixelvision Camera, premiered at PXL THIS 17 FILM FESTIVAL on Saturday in Venice, CA. Check it out!

There was a write-up about the festival in Friday's edition of the Santa Monica Daily Press and the front page was PLASTERED with stills from Fun Gun!!!


GWEELOK said...

dude! that's so awesome!

rbbergstrom said...

Audie Harrison?

By Odin's beard! Is this THE Audie Harrison of (the bygone days of my youth spent managing a theatre known as) Eden Prairie East?

How the heck ya been these past dozen years or so, Audie?!

P.S.: This is Rolfe.

rbbergstrom said...

The movie rocks.

And a quick google search reveals to me other old favorites like Galaxy Ten and Forced Perspective. So, I'm guessing this is indeed the Audie I knew from way back when.

If you'd like to get back in touch, drop me a comment at or email me at (my user name here) @ yahoo.

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